
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Help the Pandas

Hey everyone! You know pandas are becoming extinct, right? So, let's help them.

You can even have fun with it, making posters, chanting chants, and even dressing up as a panda so you can help them.

God created them just like us and he doesn't want them to die, he saved them from the flood!

Wow! God must really love them all, and we need to help save them, just as God may have saved you!

You never know when you might heat a shotgun, and a screech from a panda.

That might have been the last panda on earth.

Please help pandas live, like they deserve!!


  1. ohhh....pandas are awesome! thanks for opening my eyes!
    <3<3<3Flamingo Pink
    p.s. im having a blog party, and hope you'll be able to attend! :)


Don't comment mean. ☺ ♫ ♪ ♥ ♣

:P :D :O :) :b
