
Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I'm going to post a contest for you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ready? Drum roll please....

dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum du----

Okay, that's quite enough, I never told any of you animals to do drum roll. Anyway...The contest is to take a picture of your pets and write a description of them. But the thing is that you can't find a picture online or find a photo you already have, you have to.....take your own picture. DUN DUN DUUUN

Anyway, if you don't have a pet but you had one in the past, you are aloud to get an already taken photo of him. But try and add in the story that he died, or you had to give him away or something. Just remember those 10...wait no, 2 steps (this is the third step by the way so basically, in all there are three steps), steps and you might just win!!

If you don't have a pet at all, then too bad. No just kidding! Ha! Gotch didn't I. When it comes to these things I'm really sneaky. Anyway...wait, did I just give you my lecture about how sneaky I am? I'm so sorry. I get sidetracked REALLY easily, and by easily, I mean easily...DARN, I'm getting sidetracked again!!!!!! Anyway, if you don't have a pet at all then you can take a picture of your friend's (or something) pet.

I am grading your photo, you punctuations on the paragraph, and how witty and clever it is, so I think you guys should at least try!
First prize - an award and a special poem to you
Second Prize - an award and a poem to anyone you choose (besides you)
Third prize - an award

Good luck.

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